Protective Coatings

These protective coatings for your fruit press offer superior protection compared to regular lacquer or varnish in that they last much longer and are guaranteed non-toxic making them suitable for food contact.

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It is important to apply some form of protective coating to your press when you first assemble it and at times in the future to ensure the wood remains in good condition. Regular lacquer and varnish can be used and is better than nothing, however, these particular protective coatings are what we recommend.

They both last much longer than regular wood preservatives (up to ten years) meaning you can go plenty of time between applications. More notably, both these coatings are non-toxic making them safe to come in contact with food. As you can imagine, this is quite important with a fruit press! Don’t try and save a small amount of money by opting for a lower quality varnish; get yourself some of the manufacturer recommended coatings.

See the product pages for advice on how much to get for your particular model; the larger models may require more than one can. This is a worthwhile step in the press assembly process so don’t skip it!